With the recently ratified 2021-2024 National Agreement changes have been made to the Maintenance Craft In-Service processes. This flash message is to clarify what has been recently posted regarding the Maintenance craft In-Service solicitation that was scheduled to end on March 9, 2022. The local Union received notice that with the New contract being ratified the changes to the In-Service process was passed. As such, I contacted Manager Maintenance Operation Mitch Ingvalsen to extend the current In-Service positing through March 31st to be incompliance.


Re: Maintenance Inservice Examinations, Register, and Open Season
The 2021-2024 National Agreement between the United States Postal Service and American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, amends the maintenance in-service examination process, to include that on an annual basis from March 1-31 career employees may submit a written request to be tested for maintenance craft eligibility ratings for all occupational groups (excluding NST ET-11).
Due to ratification of the National Agreement occurring on February 28, 2022, the parties agree that for calendar year 2022, this above stated option will take place from April 1 through April 30.

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In early March, 2022 the local Union received the following information from the parties at the National Level regarding the new agreed to process for in-service posting requirements:

With the ratification and signing of the 2021 collective bargaining agreement, the MOU Re: In-Service Examinations, Register and Eligibility Ratings is now in full force and effect. This new in-service opportunity takes place during the month of March and requires career employees that are interested in testing for maintenance craft eligibility ratings to submit a written request to the District MSS Coordinator and identify which occupational groups the employee wants to test for (excluding NST ET-11). The MOU language is below:

Re: In-Service Examinations, Register and Eligibility Ratings
The U.S. Postal Service and the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, agree that on an annual basis (from March 1-31), any career employee may submit a written request to be tested for Maintenance Craft eligibility ratings for all occupational groups (excluding NST ET-11). The testing process shall follow the current timelines. Once an employee receives eligibility ratings, the employee may then request placement, or reinstatement, on in-service registers. In the event there is no in-service register, the employee’s eligibility ratings shall become a part of their eOPF. Management shall notify the employee of the results no later than sixty (60) days after the testing, provided that the applications have been properly completed. On a annual basis on April 1, (beginning in calendar year 2023), all employee names from the preceding year’s in-service registers shall be purged, with the following exception: any employee that is on an in-service register must submit a written request to the MSS Coordinator during the month of March to remain on the in-service registers.

Some things to keep in mind include:

• Employees cannot request to test for eligibility ratings for occupational groups that no longer exist (see Job Consolidation MOU)
• Interested employees must submit a written request that includes the date submitted, employee’s name, EIN, email address and the occupational groups that the employee is interested in testing for
• The written request must be submitted to the District MSS Coordinator. The EL-304 handbook (section 7 – attached) requires the names of MSS Coordinators to be posted in the same location where registers are posted. Review the EL-304 for more detailed information, or submit information requests for management to identify the MSS Coordinator or designee responsible for setting up and administering the exams
• It is advisable for employees to keep a copy of their written request and proof of submission
• Once a written request is submitted, the MSS Coordinator must create the employee profile, which triggers an email sent to the applicant. If employee’s do not receive the email to schedule the exam, they should check their spam folders and/or contact the MSS Coordinator for a status update. It is not advisable to submit the written request once and then do nothing for the remainder of March if an email to schedule the exam has not been received.
• The language says that any career employee (i.e. clerks, motor vehicle service employees) may submit a written request to be tested (this also includes existing maintenance craft employees, like custodians or mechanics in smaller installations)
The local parties have agreed that the recently ended in-service posting ending March 9, 2022, will continue to be processed. The employees who have signed up for each of the occupational group in-service registers will be afforded the opportunity to be tested and interviewed then added to the appropriate in-service register upon passing the 955 test and interview process. The employees who are on the previous in-service registers to include any employee who passes the two requirements for the in-service posting ending March 9, 2022, will be carried over through the following year (2023). Starting March 1, 2023 through March 31, 2023 all employees that are on in-service registers will be purged with the following exception:

-any employee that is on an in-service register must submit a written request to the MSS Coordinator during the month of March to remain on the in-service registers.

Jim Pierce
Maintenance Craft Director