Brian Borgerson- Craft Director
Adam Godes- MVS Trustee

To all MVS brothers and sisters, I would like to first thank you all for letting me represent you at the 2018 National Convention in Pittsburgh. This year has been an on-going struggle. As we near the winter months and peak season delivery our vehicles will be pushed once again to the brink. The Postal Service has extended negotiations for our Collective Bargaining Agreement out until November 20th 2018. During these challenging times it is no secret that our jobs and livelihood are under attack by an agenda that sees the post office as a cash cow for the private sector.

At the national level many proposals have been introduced for the motor vehicle craft in an effort to resolve recurring or neglected issues that have failed to be addressed. Training was at the forefront. The Postal Service has no real hands-on training programs in place for our vehicles and with new vehicles and technology being added to our fleet it has been one of the most talked about complaints from the field.

Along with this other proposals include; creating a new VMF position “Level 10 Diesel Automotive Technician”, increase the stockroom and General Clerk pay up one level, creating a VMF tour 1 where 24 hour PVS operations exist, Added allowance for cold weather gear, added language to eliminate the use of 204Bs in the MVS Craft, and reimbursement for medical testing relating to DOT Fed Med card.

With these proposed changes added to the contract it will greatly improve the viability and strength of our jobs along with correcting issues burdening our craft.  No real proposals have been brought forward by the employer during these negotiations therefore it seems the Union has been negotiating with themselves up this point. I will try to update the membership on any new changes during this process.

In solidarity

Brian Borgerson
MVS Craft Director